Sunday, 18 January 2015

Photo of the Day

January the 18th
I wish every day could be Sunday. For me, even though I'm not religious, every Sunday is a day of rest simply because of the relaxed feeling I get when I awake on a Sunday morning, especially in the winter. 
Firstly I want to mention a post I read on Pinterest which was about a dry shampoo brand and the blogger mentioned how she didn't have to wash her hair for 6/7 days. 6/7 DAYS!? For me, when I read this, I could not believe my eyes! I wash my hair every other day, if not everyday! I can't stand the feeling of unwashed hair and even though I try my best not to wash it so often, I hate the thought of ever going into work with greasy hair. Now, I don't know whether washing your hair every other day is excessive or normal so if anyone reading this that does the same then please let me know that I'm not the only one!
  Enough about greasy hair and blogger envy and back to the serious stuff. This afternoon me and Jamie went to see the new film American Sniper featuring the amazing Bradley Cooper. We had heard some incredible reviews and stats on this film. Those of you that are also film nerds might have also heard that American Sniper had made $90.2 million just this weekend meaning it had beaten other January releases such as Avatar. It's not just the stats that reveal how great it clearly is but if you see it for yourself you're bound to agree. For those who would like to briefly know what it's about keep reading, for those that don't, skip to the next paragraph. American Sniper is a true story about a man name Chris Kyle, a man from Texas who was a Cowboy up until he saw a news report on the attacks on the American Embassy in Tanazania and Kenya and later the 9/11 attacks. This is what pushes him to join the SEALS and venture out to Iraq. The film documents each of his tours, all four of them, and how he gained the title of the most lethal sniper in American military history. You experience the effects not only on Chris Kyles mental state, but how it effected his family. The most key part of the entire film was the moment a women handed a child a grenade to throw at the American troops. Kyle has to go againt human instinct and kill the child in order to save his companions. This really is an emotion packed film which exposes the real nature of the Iraq war. If you fancy watching the trailer then click the link below:
American Sniper Trailer

It's safe to read now! My photo of the day was taken this morning and just made me smile which is why I chose to share it with you all!
Happy blogging!

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