Monday, 19 January 2015

Photo of the Day

Sorry it's late It never published- January the 19th
Today was rather an exciting day. The Waitrose I work at finally got their new welcome desk installed, which looks pretty snazzy, if I do say so myself. I got so carried away trying to rehome all our customer service desk essentials that I even finished 15 minutes late (#imsosad). 
    The first part of my day began with a warm bath to get the creative juices flowing before heading to the kitchen table to finish my new blog design. Four hours later I had finally finished and it's safe to say that I'm pretty pleased with it, for once! I also learnt that a bath in the morning is rather enjoyable and seen as I'm more of a shower kind of girl, this is pretty big news in the world of me. 
   After spending only four hours at work I headed home to cook dinner for the family. Jamie has recently joined a new gym in Uckfield so hopefully we will now spend more time at mine and I will have the time to atleast attempt some form of exercise. I also got a surprise bunch of flowers when he arrived after the gym, which he rarely does unless there's a special occasion in which flowers are a must. This sparked an enormous appreciation for him (not that I don't always appreciate him) but sometimes those small gifts can mean a lot. 
    Today's 'Photo of the Day' was taken this evening and is of my beautiful flowers.
Happy blogging!

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