Stir-fried Beef in Black Bean Sauce
Here's tonight's recipe, as promised! I recommend you all head to Waitrose and get cooking because this recipe will leave you wishing you had made more!
Three Cheese and Kale Pancakes
Another girls night in lead to the making of a Waitrose recipe. When I first read the recipe I thought it was slightly odd as I had never really eaten pancakes unless smothered in Nutella or golden syrup. However, it was actually really really tasty and all of us enjoyed it, so if you get a chance to make it then do. It was quick and easy, and reasonably cheap so would make a perfect last minute dinner. Enjoy!
The Perfect Porridge: Jamie Oliver Style
Porridge has recently become a favourite household breakfast, even more so than it used to be. We are therefore all constantly in search of that perfect porridge recipe and it think I have found it! I will cut straight to the chase. Click this link and watch Jamie Oliver's Food Tube video for not only a step by step on how to make the porridge, but some porridge topping ideas too.
Recipe of the week- Bacon, Kale and Goats Cheese
You might have seen my 'Photo of the Day' recently where I mentioned cooking for a friend of mine. I once made this for two of my friends and now when ever I see them they demand for me too cook it for them. It's so simple to make and takes no time at all but the flavours are amazing.
Firstly you need to dice one red onion and slice as much bacon as you fancy. You fry both these ingredients together until the bacon is at the stage where it will begin to crisp. You then tear up half a bag of kale, but of course use more or less depending on what you would like , and simple chuck on top of the bacon and onion. At this point the pasta needs to be cooking. Once the kale is almost done add the soft goats cheese. Again, use as much or as little as you want. I don't cook by measurements, I cook by taste. Mix the goats cheese in until all if it has melted and mixed in. Once the pasta is cooked, drain the water and add the pasta too all the other ingredients and stir it all in. Et voila, ready to serve.
Recipe of the Week- Butternut Squash Chips
Now these health alternative to potato chips are really something! I rarely ever use or eat butternut squash, but every so often my mother buys it. Most times it ends up getting thrown away, but today I'd decided to create some chips to accompany my Bacon and Lentil soup.
I cut the squash up, leaving the skin on and placed them onto an oiled tray. I placed three garlic cloves amoungst the chips to add some flavour. Once they were cooked I added some chilli powder for an extra kick. In total they took about 45 minutes to cook so there's also so simple to make.
Try them out! They're super tasty!
Christmas left overs
I'm sure I am not the only one sat at home with half a turkey in the fridge wondering how long it will take to finish it off. The first meal that springs to mind to use up some of the turkey is a simple turkey curry, but this year whilst walking round Tesco, finding those few bargains, I decided to try something new. All that's is required is some puff pastry( I cheated and bought ready rolled pastry), left over turkey, bacon and red onion. This recipe is so incredibly simple yet makes a tasty dinner.
Firstly you need to cut up the bacon into small pieces. I like to use scissors to cut up the bacon. Dont ask why, I just find it easier! I also like to remove some of the fatty bits, because there's nothing worse then bacon fat. Then I fry it until it's cooked, but not crispy. I then add the diced red onion and cook until soft and the bacon is crispy. I then cut the pastry into equal squares (or at least attempt to make them equal sizes) and place the torn up turkey into the middle. Once the bacon and onion mixture is cool, I add that then a bit more turkey. The other piece of pastry is then placed on top and the edges pressed down with a fork. I then smother the parcels in egg wash and put in the oven at 180 degrees. Obviously you might have guessed I'm not a precise chef and take no notice of measurements so just keep the parcels in the oven until golden brown. Serve with thick creamy turkey gravy and tones of left over veg, et voila! Left over turkey parcels- easy and extremely tasty.
Perfect Porridge
I love nothing more than waking up and having a nice warm bowl of porridge. I have a recipe for you all to try which I absolutely adore! I like to use oat milk instead of cows milk due to reasons such as as being low in saturated fat, high in calcium and it supposedly contains 10 minerals and 15 vitamins as well as containing no cholesterol! It's a very healthy alternative. To make my Perfect Porridge you add the oats and the milk with some granulated sugar. I don't like to give specific measurements unless definitely required as I believe the measurements depend entirely on what you prefer it to taste like. I like to keep my oats from totally softening and add two tea spoons of sugar. You can of course skip the sugar. Once it's cooked and in a bowl I add frozen forest fruits. I like to keep frozen fruit simply because they keep for much longer then fresh and they're great to use to make smoothies! The sweet and creamy oats go perfectly with the sour berries and it's the perfect breakfast to wake you up.
Recipe of the week #4- Pork, ginger and wasabi balls with noodles and pak choi
This evening I created another of Waitrose's wonderful recipes. I was slightly apprehensive about making this meal due to the use of the wasabi, but never the less I gave it a go and the product was delicious! I added mushrooms and kale to the recipe and used red onion instead of salad onions and it all worked perfectly. The broth was salty and mixed perfectly with watery pak choi and the pork balls were not over powered by the wasabi and had a subtle taste of ginger. I recommend it to you all, so check out the link above!
Deliciously my favourite
Deliciously Ella is without a doubt my favourite blogger ever. I was introduced to Ella's magical food through her Instagram page which enticed me with her endless photos of yummy looking food. Unlike some bloggers who hide behind a false image, Ella speaks about life dealing with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and totally reveals her life to the reader allowing you to understand the personal importance the recipes have. She takes recipes that may otherwise be seen as unhealthy and alters the ingredients to those that are plant-based. Due to her illness she focus' purely on making these recipes not only enjoyable, but also beneficial to the body. Ive linked both her blog and instagram above so I hope you check them both out and also try some of her scrumptious recipes! I am off to make her most recent recipe Warming Winter Curry. Happy blogging!
Recipe of the week #3- THE best chocolate cake EVER
Recipe of the week #2- Goats cheese and Chicken salad
Just thinking of this recipe makes me hungry! Its quick and easy, but so so tasty! A salad has no specific recipe in my eyes, but I will fill you in on how I make it. I use lettuce(any lettuce will do), cherry tomatoes, red and yellow pepper, cucumber and sweetcorn. I then crumble the goats cheese over the salad and tear the chicken up. You can either buy pre-cooked chicken, but in my opinion a nice freshly cooked chicken works a treat. To finish it off mix some mustard, lemon juice and honey together and drizzle it over. Et voila!
If you haven't already done so, pop out and buy a copy of Jamie's Comfort Food. It has tones and tones of fabulous recipes for you all to try! And anyway, everyone loves Jamie Oliver..
Recipe of the week #1
My first ever Recipe of the Week is a simple chicken dish which is perfect either as a tasty lunchtime snack or for dinner. I absolutely love any television programme related to food and a current favourite of mine is Tom Kerridges Best Ever Dishes. This recipe takes close to no effort at all and really is scrumptious. So all you lovely people can also make it, here's the recipe..
Because it's the first post in Recipe of the week I will share another recipe with you that I used this evening to cook myself a pre-birthday dinner avec large amounts of wine. I work in Waitrose so I use a lot of Waitrose recipes. This recipe was Salmon and watercress risotto.. Get making guys, it's delicious!
Here's tonight's recipe, as promised! I recommend you all head to Waitrose and get cooking because this recipe will leave you wishing you had made more!
Three Cheese and Kale Pancakes
Another girls night in lead to the making of a Waitrose recipe. When I first read the recipe I thought it was slightly odd as I had never really eaten pancakes unless smothered in Nutella or golden syrup. However, it was actually really really tasty and all of us enjoyed it, so if you get a chance to make it then do. It was quick and easy, and reasonably cheap so would make a perfect last minute dinner. Enjoy!
The Perfect Porridge: Jamie Oliver Style
Porridge has recently become a favourite household breakfast, even more so than it used to be. We are therefore all constantly in search of that perfect porridge recipe and it think I have found it! I will cut straight to the chase. Click this link and watch Jamie Oliver's Food Tube video for not only a step by step on how to make the porridge, but some porridge topping ideas too.
Recipe of the week- Bacon, Kale and Goats Cheese
You might have seen my 'Photo of the Day' recently where I mentioned cooking for a friend of mine. I once made this for two of my friends and now when ever I see them they demand for me too cook it for them. It's so simple to make and takes no time at all but the flavours are amazing.
Firstly you need to dice one red onion and slice as much bacon as you fancy. You fry both these ingredients together until the bacon is at the stage where it will begin to crisp. You then tear up half a bag of kale, but of course use more or less depending on what you would like , and simple chuck on top of the bacon and onion. At this point the pasta needs to be cooking. Once the kale is almost done add the soft goats cheese. Again, use as much or as little as you want. I don't cook by measurements, I cook by taste. Mix the goats cheese in until all if it has melted and mixed in. Once the pasta is cooked, drain the water and add the pasta too all the other ingredients and stir it all in. Et voila, ready to serve.
Recipe of the Week- Butternut Squash Chips
Now these health alternative to potato chips are really something! I rarely ever use or eat butternut squash, but every so often my mother buys it. Most times it ends up getting thrown away, but today I'd decided to create some chips to accompany my Bacon and Lentil soup.
I cut the squash up, leaving the skin on and placed them onto an oiled tray. I placed three garlic cloves amoungst the chips to add some flavour. Once they were cooked I added some chilli powder for an extra kick. In total they took about 45 minutes to cook so there's also so simple to make.
Try them out! They're super tasty!
Christmas left overs
I'm sure I am not the only one sat at home with half a turkey in the fridge wondering how long it will take to finish it off. The first meal that springs to mind to use up some of the turkey is a simple turkey curry, but this year whilst walking round Tesco, finding those few bargains, I decided to try something new. All that's is required is some puff pastry( I cheated and bought ready rolled pastry), left over turkey, bacon and red onion. This recipe is so incredibly simple yet makes a tasty dinner.
Firstly you need to cut up the bacon into small pieces. I like to use scissors to cut up the bacon. Dont ask why, I just find it easier! I also like to remove some of the fatty bits, because there's nothing worse then bacon fat. Then I fry it until it's cooked, but not crispy. I then add the diced red onion and cook until soft and the bacon is crispy. I then cut the pastry into equal squares (or at least attempt to make them equal sizes) and place the torn up turkey into the middle. Once the bacon and onion mixture is cool, I add that then a bit more turkey. The other piece of pastry is then placed on top and the edges pressed down with a fork. I then smother the parcels in egg wash and put in the oven at 180 degrees. Obviously you might have guessed I'm not a precise chef and take no notice of measurements so just keep the parcels in the oven until golden brown. Serve with thick creamy turkey gravy and tones of left over veg, et voila! Left over turkey parcels- easy and extremely tasty.
Perfect Porridge
I love nothing more than waking up and having a nice warm bowl of porridge. I have a recipe for you all to try which I absolutely adore! I like to use oat milk instead of cows milk due to reasons such as as being low in saturated fat, high in calcium and it supposedly contains 10 minerals and 15 vitamins as well as containing no cholesterol! It's a very healthy alternative. To make my Perfect Porridge you add the oats and the milk with some granulated sugar. I don't like to give specific measurements unless definitely required as I believe the measurements depend entirely on what you prefer it to taste like. I like to keep my oats from totally softening and add two tea spoons of sugar. You can of course skip the sugar. Once it's cooked and in a bowl I add frozen forest fruits. I like to keep frozen fruit simply because they keep for much longer then fresh and they're great to use to make smoothies! The sweet and creamy oats go perfectly with the sour berries and it's the perfect breakfast to wake you up.
Recipe of the week #4- Pork, ginger and wasabi balls with noodles and pak choi
This evening I created another of Waitrose's wonderful recipes. I was slightly apprehensive about making this meal due to the use of the wasabi, but never the less I gave it a go and the product was delicious! I added mushrooms and kale to the recipe and used red onion instead of salad onions and it all worked perfectly. The broth was salty and mixed perfectly with watery pak choi and the pork balls were not over powered by the wasabi and had a subtle taste of ginger. I recommend it to you all, so check out the link above!
Deliciously my favourite
Deliciously Ella is without a doubt my favourite blogger ever. I was introduced to Ella's magical food through her Instagram page which enticed me with her endless photos of yummy looking food. Unlike some bloggers who hide behind a false image, Ella speaks about life dealing with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome and totally reveals her life to the reader allowing you to understand the personal importance the recipes have. She takes recipes that may otherwise be seen as unhealthy and alters the ingredients to those that are plant-based. Due to her illness she focus' purely on making these recipes not only enjoyable, but also beneficial to the body. Ive linked both her blog and instagram above so I hope you check them both out and also try some of her scrumptious recipes! I am off to make her most recent recipe Warming Winter Curry. Happy blogging!
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Photo taken from Deliciously Ella |
Recipe of the week #3- THE best chocolate cake EVER
My boyfriends family have a Roald Dahl cook book which contains a chocolate cake recipe named after the story 'Matilda'. It's a family tradition to cook this cake for any member of the family's birthday and ever since trying it, I've been addicted to it. What's even better is when it's melted slightly in the microwave it tastes like heaven! The recipe continues to get better as it roughly takes about 45 minutes to an hour to make and creates only a small amount of washing up.
It's definitely time to share this amazing recipe with you all so here's my step by step guide to its creation..
225g plain chocolate( I use Waitrose dark Belgian chocolate)
175g unsalted butter
225g caster sugar
4tbsp plain flour
6 eggs separated
115g plain chocolate
115g double cream
1. Oven must be preheated to 180 degrees Celsius.
2. Grease and line a 8 inch cake tin.
3. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Stir frequently to prevent burning.
4. Mix in the butter until all of it has melted.
5. Take the bowl off of the heat and allow to cool slightly.
6. Add the flour, sugar and lightly beaten egg yolks.
7. Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
8. Gently fold half of the egg whites into the mixture making sure to thoroughly mix the mixture before adding the second half.
9. Once all the egg whites are added you can pour the mixture into the greased tin and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
10. After the 30 minutes are up remove the tin from the oven and allow to cool.
1. Melt the chocolate and gradually add the cream, stirring occasionally until the chocolate and cream have completely mixed.
2. Allow the mixture to then cool slightly.
3. Gently pour over the cake and spread to create and even coat.
4. Then allow to set and cool before serving .
Recipe of the week #2- Goats cheese and Chicken salad
Just thinking of this recipe makes me hungry! Its quick and easy, but so so tasty! A salad has no specific recipe in my eyes, but I will fill you in on how I make it. I use lettuce(any lettuce will do), cherry tomatoes, red and yellow pepper, cucumber and sweetcorn. I then crumble the goats cheese over the salad and tear the chicken up. You can either buy pre-cooked chicken, but in my opinion a nice freshly cooked chicken works a treat. To finish it off mix some mustard, lemon juice and honey together and drizzle it over. Et voila!
If you haven't already done so, pop out and buy a copy of Jamie's Comfort Food. It has tones and tones of fabulous recipes for you all to try! And anyway, everyone loves Jamie Oliver..
Recipe of the week #1
My first ever Recipe of the Week is a simple chicken dish which is perfect either as a tasty lunchtime snack or for dinner. I absolutely love any television programme related to food and a current favourite of mine is Tom Kerridges Best Ever Dishes. This recipe takes close to no effort at all and really is scrumptious. So all you lovely people can also make it, here's the recipe..
Because it's the first post in Recipe of the week I will share another recipe with you that I used this evening to cook myself a pre-birthday dinner avec large amounts of wine. I work in Waitrose so I use a lot of Waitrose recipes. This recipe was Salmon and watercress risotto.. Get making guys, it's delicious!
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