I don't know what it is about Sunday's but they're just so god damn relaxing. I remember when I first met Jamie we would spend hours and hours in bed, usually sleeping until about 1 in the afternoon! Now days we wake up a lot earlier at about 8 then spend half the day wondering what to do with ourselves. Today of course we woke up and watched a few episodes of Breaking bad, taking us into series four already. Naughtily, we ate a tub of Ben and Jerrys for breakfast, forgetting about the pancakes we had planned and prepared for by stocking the shelves with golden syrup and nutella. For lunch we made homemade pizza. Jamies family have a secret recipe for the tomato sauce topping which taste so so good. Il share it with you, but keep it a secret! They use tomato purée and the secret ingredient, pesto! For the topping we had bacon, onion and plenty of cheese. We even made a cheese stuffed crust. Super yummy. After a trip to my house and a few more episodes of Breaking Bad we decided the best way to make use of the left over dough was to roll it out, smother it in nutella, roll it back up, then cut it into slices. Perfect use of dough if you ask me. We have then spent most of the evening watching even more Breaking Bad. Now I think about it, 90% of my day has been in bed watching TV. Could be worse I suppose.
I have a few Photos for today that you all must see! I love jamies house and the way his parents keep the place so cosy and welcoming.
Happy blogging!
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