Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Chicken, Broccoli and Homemade Pesto Pasta

Just the thought of this recipe makes me hungry. I'm such a huge fan of pesto and anything pasta related. I've tried many a time to grow my own herbs, but no matter how much care and attention I give them, they always die. I think my Mother feels bad about my constant bad luck and so at the weekend replaced them all with fresh new herbs. With the fresh basil, and mums recent obsession with buying a range of cheeses, including Parmesan, from the cheese counter in Waitrose, I decided to make some pesto in which I instantly knew I would pair with some spaghetti.
     My mother likes to cook a chicken on a Sunday for us to all pick at throughout the week so I tore some of the breast off and added some steamed broccoli. Quick, easy and extremely tasty. More vegetables such as spinach, kale and peas can be added for a healthy balanced meal. Not only does it make a tasty dinner, but it also makes a great lunch!
   If you're interested in making your own pesto then click this link or carry on reading to hear how I made mine!

Pesto ingredients:
Pine nuts
Olive oil 

As always I never cook by the rules. Not once have I ever taken note of the measurements or how much of an ingredient is needed, instead I cook purely by taste. 
   To start off making the pesto I used one small garlic clove and crushed it in a pestle and mortar with a drop of olive oil. I then added the basil and pine nuts. First off I added approximately one hand full of basil and two tablespoons of pine nuts. I crushed them all together before adding the parmesan. Whilst mixing I constantly taste the pesto to decide what needs to be added next. It's all about personal taste. I think unless you're making enough for about three people, 1 garlic clove is slightly too much. Next time I plan to use only half.

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