Friday, 9 January 2015

The Beginners Guide to Knitting

I have been promising this guide to knitting for a long time now so it's about time I posted it! This post shows you how to cast on and how to do a simple knit stitch. Il make it as simple as possible so hopefully in no time at all you'll all be knitting like professionals.

Casting on

1. Firstly you need to tie a loop in the end of the wool.

2. You then need to slide this loop onto your left needle.

 This is when you can start to cast onto your needle. Depending on what you're making you'll have to cast on a certain number of stitches. In this example I only cast on a few.

3. You need to slide your right needle through the loop and underneath the left hand needle.

4. You then wrap the wool anticlockwise round the underneath needle (the right hand side needle).

5. Once the wool has been wrapped round the needle you need to slide the right needle out bringing it towards you and pulling the wool with it creating two loops, one on each needle.

6. You then need to take the right needle and slide the stitch from it into the left needle.

7. You carry on doing this until you have the correct amount of stitches.

Knitting stitch

1. The same as casting on, you firstly need to slide the right hand needle underneath the left hand needle and through the first loop.

2. You then wrap the wool round the right hand needle, anticlockwise.

3. You then pull the needle out from underneath, pulling the string with it so the right hand needle has a loop around it.

4. You then pull the right needle away from the left, pulling the first loop off of the left needle.

It's as simple as that! I must admit, trying to explain how to pull the right needle from underneath is the most difficult part but if you can't seem to hack it then there are plenty of videos on YouTube which will show you! Next week I will show you all how to Purl stitch, but for now GET PRACTICING!

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