I put in my own raised beds in to a piece of land down the side of my house and planted endless amounts of vegetables, some from seeds and some that have already began to grow. My collection includes broccoli, four different types of tomato, a variety of lettuce, sage, parsley, peas, strawberries, two types of cabbage and carrots. Phew, that's a mouthful. It really is quite enjoyable going out each morning and seeing the first few shoots starting to appear. Enough talking, for those that care I've added some photos for you all to see:) I'm off to buy some more netting to put over my last veg patch to stop my mischievous cats pooing in it! Gross!
P.s, I finally finished Gossip Girl! I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with myself now😠I am even considering watching it again! Any series you highly recommend? Comment below..
Happy blogging!